Getting Started – Using the Videos
Now that you have your membership, you will see that you have many videos at your fingertips. The major categories that the videos fall into are:
1.Education (Also called Fundamentals/Basics)
3.Skills Development
Now, let’s go over how to use the videos to maximize training efficiency. To do that, let’s look at the contents of each category and go over how each of the videos are laid out.
The Education Videos (also referred to as Fundamentals/Basics) are broken up into the following categories:

Each Belt will have a different # of videos in each section. Note: Depending on belt, not all sections will have videos.

Click on the individual topics to open up the video selection. You can play video by clicking on the thumbnail or by pressing the Play Video button.

– Each video is broken up into 3 sections beginning with Section 1: Proper Technique and ending with Section 3: Street Application
(Section 2 varies depending on the topic)
– Time Stamps have been added to the descriptions to get to each section faster if needed
Upon clicking, the video will raise to the forefront and everything else will be faded out. To exit the video simply click anywhere on the screen, or at the “X” in the top right corner.

Note: These videos are meant to enhance, not replace formal Martial Arts Instruction. These videos should be used only if you have learned, or are learning these fundamentals.
There have been too many times where improper practice has lead to developing of bad habits, or worse injury.
The Material Videos are broken up into 2 topics:
1.Defense Maneuvers
Kempo Punch Techniques are technically under the Material section, but they are purchased separately.

The Defense Maneuver Videos are very short videos broken up into 2 topics:
- The Defense Maneuver Videos are short, because their purpose is to remind you of the technique, NOT TEACH YOU.
- Different Instructors teach these Defense Maneuvers (also called Combinations, Defensive Maneuvers, Defense Techniques,…) at different ranks. We categorized them at the ranks we teach them.

The Forms videos are broken down into 2 separate videos:
2.Step by Step
- The Forms Videos are short, because their purpose is to remind you of the form, NOT TEACH YOU.
- Different Instructors teach slightly different variations to many of these forms. We filmed the forms specifically as to how we teach them. Follow you Instructor’s guidance as to the variances.

-Done at full speed
-Only filmed from one angle (from 12 o’clock)
-No text boxes to describe movement
-This version is usually watched to get an idea how the form is performed at a high level
-The Tiger Wall (6 o’clock) means we are observing from 12 o’clock

-Performed at slower speed – Filmed at multiple angles – Text Boxes to describe movement
This version is usually watched to help remember form

Front Angle –
-Observing from 12 o’clock
-Tiger represents 6 o’clock wall

Reverse Angle –
-Observing from 6 o’clock
-Dragon represents 12 o’clock wall
The Kempo Punch Technique Videos are very short videos broken up into 2 topics:
- The Animal Kempo Videos are short, because their purpose is to remind you of the technique, NOT TEACH YOU.
- Many of these techniques are very dangerous to perform (for you and your partner). DO NOT ATTEMPT without the guidance of a qualified Instructor.
- Various Kempo Punch Techniques are taught at different belt levels based upon the Instructor’s discretion.

The Kempo Punch Technique Videos are separate from the Belt Memberships
-They are broken down into volumes
-Each Volume has 5 Animal Kempos:
-There are 10 Volumes total:
-3 Beginner Volumes
-4 Intermediate Volumes
-3 Advanced Volumes

The Skills Development Videos are broken up into the following categories:
5.REFLEX DEVELOPMENT (Brown Belt only)

The Skills Development Videos are made up of many drills that were developed to create the skills that form the building blocks of superior Martial Arts ability
-These drills need to be practiced consistently in order to develop competence
-These videos will commonly be assigned for homework
-The video concepts are usually broken down into:
-Doing it by yourself
-Doing it with a partner
-Demonstration of ideal performance (Black Belt Candidate)

Each Skills Development Video is laid out in the following manner:
1.Demonstrated very slowly with explanation
2.Directions to practice at that speed
3.Demonstrated at a more fluid (often described as “Phase 2”) speed
4.Directions to practice at that speed
- Depending on the drill, a partner is often added, and the above process is required to go through again
- A “Black Belt Candidate” excerpt is also provided so that the student understands what to aspire to.

In a previous section, it was stated that there were 2 purposes for requesting your email address:
1.To inform all members of updates
2.To “Share” homework assignments