Getting Started – Using the Training Manual

The Belt Training Manual was created by Kempo Made Easy as a way to organize the learning process – for both Instructors and Students.

It provides both sides with real-time progress as well as areas of challenge.  The Training Manual is most effective when coupled with the appropriate Belt Video Series to ensure the most comprehensive training program!

Following are the steps to follow to maximize training efficiency.

1.Under Belt Requirement, click on the Belt Video Program you wish to see.

2.Click on the button to download the Belt Training Manual (PDF)

Just like the website, each Belt Training Manual is broken multiple sections:

1.Education (Fundamentals/Basics)


3.Skill Development

  • A section labelled “Additional Requirements” has also been added to each Training Manual. This section is broken up into the following topics:
  • “Past Belt Requirements” (To ensure students don’t forget earlier Kempo Material)
  • “Fitness Requirements” (Added to allow the Instructor additional customization to the training program)

As you can see above, every component of your training within the workbook is broken down into the following Categories.  We will describe in more detail as we cover each section.


-Quite simply, when everything in your Training Manual is marked “Test Ready” you are qualified to test for your next rank!

-As shown, the Instructor has flexibility to add additional kicks if he/she believes it is relevant for you at this rank

-Marking Learned is self-explanatory

In Progress is simply a wide-range status that indicates that the concept has been learned but is not “Test Ready”

-Within the Fundamentals section, there are a couple of areas that need to be completed in order for each individual element to be “Test Ready”

-The relevant Education Video must be known (understood) completely.  This includes Proper Technique, Street Value, and other covered topics

-All the related Skills Development Videos that the Instructor assigns must be ”Test Ready”

-With every “Evaluation Section” there is also the accompanying “Notes Section”

-This provides the instructor a convenient location to document what was worked on and when

-This will help both the instructor and the student troubleshoot what is needed in order to get to that “Test Ready” mark

-This also makes it easier if a student has multiple instructors


-Within the Material section, your instructor will communicate with you what he/she considers “Test Ready”

-We have provided “Demonstrations” for Defense Maneuvers and Forms for what we consider to be “Test Ready” for the higher rank students

-Your instructor will adjust accordingly for your rank level

-Use the “Notes” section to clarify expectations

-What you see in “Demonstrations” is what is expected for Black Belt Candidates

Within the Material section, you will notice 4 additional topics that have no techniques filled in:

1.Kempo Punch Techniques – 50 Animal Kempos have been filmed.  It is your instructor’s discretion if any of those techniques will be used, and when it will be taught

2.For the other 3 topics – We are not releasing videos on any of these topics, pending response to what is currently on the website.  Instructors can fill in those sections with whatever they deem relevant


-Within the Skills Development section, you will notice that each drill has many videos associated with it.  You must be able to do ALL videos in order to be considered “Test Ready” for that drill

-Depending on drill, proficiency must be demonstrated alone and with a partner

-Your instructor will determine the speed requirement for each drill

-“Black Belt Candidate” videos are a demonstration of what will be expected of you at the higher ranks


Additional Requirements is another customizable feature of the Belt Training Manual that allows the instructor to set individualized Fitness Goals as well determine how much he/she wants to weigh Past Belt Requirements